America’s coffee culture continues to thrive, with a survey revealing that 63 percent of adults in the US drink coffee daily. The rise in numbers of young coffee drinkers has driven this growth in 2019, and despite the popularity of trendy beverages such as boba tea and milk tea, it looks like...

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The average age of a vegan is 42, but thanks to social media and a rising awareness of environmental concern among the youth, an increasing number of young people are growing interested in adopting a vegan lifestyle.

The average age of a vegan is 42, but thanks to social media and a rising awareness of environmental concern among the youth, an increasing number of young people are growing interested in adopting a vegan lifestyle. This can be a concern for parents to whom the idea is unfamiliar, and...

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Veganism is rapidly on the rise having seen a 600% increase in the last three years. Now, even seniors are jumping on the vegan bandwagon to better their golden years. Last year, 11 percent of the U.S. population identified as vegan and, of those, three percent were 65 years or older. Seniors are now recognizing that a vegan diet can improve health and prevent or fight certain diseases.

How Seniors Can Adopt Veganism for Better Health and Longevity Veganism is rapidly on the rise having seen a 600% increase in the last three years. Now, even seniors are jumping on the vegan bandwagon to better their golden years. Last year, 11 percent of the U.S. population identified as...

By Bold Commerce Collaborator Read more
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