Around 3% of the world’s population is composed of vegans while 5% are vegetarians. The figure is expected to grow as more of the population acknowledge the benefits of veganism from healthier lifestyles to taking a stand against animal cruelty. Veganism goes beyond eating plant-based foods though because it also about a cruelty-free lifestyle...

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How You Can Adapt Your Vegan Diet As You Get Older In recent years, the benefits of veganism have been extensively researched and promoted. Not only has veganism been shown to improve skin health, but it can also aid in maintaining optimal cardiovascular health. A vegan diet has also been linked...

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The number of consumers in the U.S. who identify as vegan rose by 600% from 2014 to 2017 alone and percentages have been growing exponentially year on year. The interest in vegan products extends to skincare and haircare, with beauty buffs speaking wonders of the benefits of natural and plant-based products. If you are...

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